Adding SOUND EFFECTS to my game
A list of all the new sound effects I've added to Roguesphere before the beta release.
Play the beta:
I want to give credit to Kenney for most of the audio clips in this list as well as a few other creators I've found in freesound. Both are great resources for game sound effects!
// Player Footsteps
This is one of the more difficult audio to add into the game, because I couldn't just simply play the clip when you move the character.
I had to learn how to trigger events within an animation and only play the audio during the step portion of the walking animation.
I've also made particles show up per footstep rather than just when the player turns.
// Explosive Enemy
Explosive enemy... explosion sound.
// Enemy Launch Pads
The sound it makes when enemies trigger a launch pad.
// Portal
The sound effect when anything it transported by the portal.
// Meteors
Sound as a meteor falls.
// Player Push/Throw
I had much more normal punch sound effect before, but I replaced it with a glass impact sound from one of Kenney's assets since the enemies and upgrade pedestals have a glass shatter sound effect (makes more sense).
// Projectiles
Player Hit
Same case as the punch sound effect before. I replaced it with a glass impact sound.
Player Death
The last bullet hit makes the same sound effect as enemies or upgrade pedestals getting shattered.
Instead of a glass sound for impact, I went with metal.
// Gun Priming
Here's the sound you will hear a lot in the game for every time an enemy starts aiming at you.
// Stepping on Spike
Sound effect for when you step on spikes.
Thanks for making it all the way through and I hope you're enjoying the beta!
— Renz Rivero
// Supporters
Special thank you shout out to the following ongoing generous supporters of my work, making a difference in the world and mine.
- Laura Milligan
- Andrew Abrook
- Armaigne Rivero
- Fritz Rivero