Adding SOUND EFFECTS to my game

List of all the new sound effects added before the beta release.

Adding SOUND EFFECTS to my game — Roguesphere Devlog #23

A list of all the new sound effects I've added to Roguesphere before the beta release.

Play the beta:

I want to give credit to Kenney for most of the audio clips in this list as well as a few other creators I've found in freesound. Both are great resources for game sound effects!

// Player Footsteps

This is one of the more difficult audio to add into the game, because I couldn't just simply play the clip when you move the character.

I had to learn how to trigger events within an animation and only play the audio during the step portion of the walking animation.


Credits: Kenney

I've also made particles show up per footstep rather than just when the player turns.

// Explosive Enemy

Explosive enemy... explosion sound.


Credits: Kenney

// Enemy Launch Pads

The sound it makes when enemies trigger a launch pad.


Credits: Kenney

// Portal

The sound effect when anything it transported by the portal.


Credits: Kenney

// Meteors

Sound as a meteor falls.


Credits: Kenney

// Player Push/Throw

I had much more normal punch sound effect before, but I replaced it with a glass impact sound from one of Kenney's assets since the enemies and upgrade pedestals have a glass shatter sound effect (makes more sense).


Credits: Kenney

// Projectiles

Player Hit

Same case as the punch sound effect before. I replaced it with a glass impact sound.


Credits: Kenney

Player Death

The last bullet hit makes the same sound effect as enemies or upgrade pedestals getting shattered.



Instead of a glass sound for impact, I went with metal.


Credits: Kenney

// Gun Priming

Here's the sound you will hear a lot in the game for every time an enemy starts aiming at you.


Credits: EminYILDIRIM

// Stepping on Spike

Sound effect for when you step on spikes.


Credits: Tomlija

Thanks for making it all the way through and I hope you're enjoying the beta!

— Renz Rivero

// Supporters

Special thank you shout out to the following ongoing generous supporters of my work, making a difference in the world and mine.

  • Laura Milligan
  • Andrew Abrook
  • Armaigne Rivero
  • Fritz Rivero
I contribute 10% of your support on here to carbon removal.