Roguesphere Got the Juice!
Roguesphere Devlog #14

// Simplified Attack Animation
No more winding back to shove enemies!

Before versus After — The GIF is making everything blink (ignore that)
// Camera Shake & Movement
Throwing Enemies
Which camera movement do you prefer?

Forward-Backward (1st) or Backward-Forward (2nd) Camera Movement
Enemy Death
Looking to do more complex things with this, but more UMFF by adding a camera shake when enemies explode is a start!

// Particles!
Player Dust
Particle effects every time you turn!

Enemy Dust
Particle effects every time enemies turn as well!

Particle effects when enemies change directions!
Enemy Shove
Subtle effects when enemies get shoved!

Gunshot Smoke
Smoke every time an enemy shoots a projectile!

// Hit Flash
Enemy Damage Flash
Enemies briefly turn completely white when shoved!

Player Damage Flash
The player flashes white briefly when projectiles hit as well!

User Interface Overlay
A brief red overlay flashes over the entire screen to emphasize you getting hit as well!

// Trails
Projectile trails shot by enemies now have a redish tip, a colour that signifies things to avoid in the entire game!

// Conclusion
Like said, there's enough juice to go around and there will be more of these as I make the game!
Take a sip.

– Renz Rivero
// Supporters
Special thank you shout out to the following ongoing generous supporters of my work, making a difference in the world and mine.
- Laura Milligan
- Jacob Huang
- Andrew Abrook
- Faiz Prasla
- Armaigne Rivero
- Joshua Ravasco