How I'm Building an Online Presence for 2025
//Installing something new into my life

I made this because I wanted to share the to-do list system that has helped me stay accountable and get things done.
Press record.
That seems to be how people are effectively building audiences—recording and posting videos, which most of us prefer to consume more than text.
I know you know what I'm talking about.
There are lots of people doing their business online, being themselves, doing what they love, and having full control of how they spend their days.
They've realized that escaping the 9-5 rat race starts when you start creating something of your own. And building an online presence is one of the most powerful way to do that because it gives you leverage.
I can have my digital products, but if they're not being shown in front of people where most people today already are—online—they basically don't exist.
So, if there's anything to take away from this newsletter, it's to start showing up online, build your audience, and create the opportunities that will set you free.
At the very least, I hope that this installs a new perspective in your mind about the fact that it's possible, because people are already doing it.
//What’s Next for This Newsletter?
Okay, so what's happening with this newsletter? Well, I'll keep at it because it still has its place in the game.
Unlike all the social media platforms, no one can just change the algorithm and ultimately control our connection.
With a newsletter, so long as you're subscribed to receive my letters, the connection isn't going anywhere.
I just want to give video a go as well, because again, it's the format that most people prefer to consume.
And I've done the whole video thing before, but I had a system that I didn't enjoy.
I would write my newsletter first and try to deliver that in front of a camera. With that system, I do a lot of retakes because I just couldn’t deliver the message as well as I did when writing it.
To make it stick this time, I’m simplifying. Instead of forcing myself to recreate what I’ve written, I’ll approach video as a separate outlet with no script—just raw, real moments that should allow me to be more natural as I do more of them.
//Why Pressing Record Matters (For Me)
It's not just about making videos.
It's about creating and building up to the lifestyle I want—one where I'm in control of my time, my income, and my creativity.
Building an audience online is part of that, but I also know that this process will help me get better with my communication skills.
Talking to a camera will force me to refine how I articulate and express what's in my head, which will not only improve my confidence but also help me develop the skills I need for future interviews and conversations.
I also love the idea of turning my life into a game.
Over time, these videos will become visual reminders of how far I've come, tapping into the same powerful systems that make video games so engaging, which will help keep me going and (hopefully) encourages you to start your own journey.
And with all of that said, here's the video version that inspired this writing. I fought myself hard to post this and had to remind myself that it's about progress, not perfection.
1. Get Doaily: a gamified to do list that will help you build a habit of making every day count.
2. Play Roguesphere: shove foes and conquer worlds with one finger!
3. Play Rainy Day: a financial casual education game.